Mount Tolmie is the namesake of our Community Association. The following information is presented to help you learn more about our community.
“Where Bulbs & Bungalows Met”
– A Neighbourhood History, research and text by Dennis Minaker and layout by Val Minaker
Mount Tolmie History Sharing
The black and white photos have been provided courtesy of Mr. Ken & Mrs. Lynette Stofer, long-time residents of Mount Tolmie, who have graciously shared their history with us. Many thanks!
If you live in the neighbourhood and have similar photos to share on our web site, please send to
For an interesting reflection on the history of the area, read a summary of our history around 1925 as related to Ken Stofer by Jack Merrett.
Wilson’s Food Market was formerly Hunter’s Store. George Hunter and Ken Stofer built the 2nd story in the late 1930’s. This store is now the site of the Coast Capital Savings credit union at the corner of Shelbourne and Cedar Hill X Road. At one time an old fashioned gas pump was used to fuel cars. | |
This is what Mt. Tomie looked like in the 1930’s. The road in the center is Shelbourne Street. St. Aidan’s Church is in the lower right corner, with the brown-shingled Manse just to the right. In the lower left is Phillip’s Store, next is Croft house, then Merrett house. The little white house in the center is the Lindsay house. | |
This view is from Mount Tolmie taken towards the northwest. From left to right across the center of picture is Cedar Hill X Road. Shelbourne Street is in the centre of the picture and Richmond Road runs along the forest on the left side of the photo, beginning in the bottom left corner. Palo Alto is shown in the right centre of the photo. The Fred Ellis Dairy can be seen at the intersection of Cedar Hill X Road and Shelbourne, now the location of the Shelbourne Shopping Plaza (Fairway store). | |
This view is from Mt. Tolmie and it was taken prior to 1912. In 1912 Shelbourne Street was built and it is not in this picture. Left centre is the intersection of Richmond Road and Cedar Hill X Road. | |
This view was taken from Mt. Tolmie looking towards Mt. Douglas during 2005, demonstrating how the once pastoral farmland has been converted into suburban Mt. Tolmie. Quite a change. Many of the houses built since 1912 are still scattered throughout the neighbourhood. | |
This is a photo of the Mt. Tolmie Easter Sunrise Service in 1935. Almost every foot of mountain top was covered with people. | |
Another view of the crowds at the Easter Sunrise Service. There is a cross showing at the top of the mountain. | |
This photo shows the amplification equipment used to present the Easter Sunrise service to the masses gathered. Left to right are Dr. Clem Davies, A.M.D. Fairbairn, George Deaville, and Mrs. Bertha Parsons. | |
This is Fred Ellis, owner of the Cedar Hill Dairy making his rounds in the 1930’s with his horse Tony. | |
This is the Ellis’ Farm which is located where the Fairway store now sits. | |
This photo was taken near the intersection of Richmond Road and Cedar Hill X Road. The Mt. Tolmie Hospital is where the thicket of fruit trees cover the corner. The Shelbourne and Cedar Hill Cross Road intersection is above and to the left. Only two of the houses seen still remain – the one on the front left and the one behind the church. | |
This photo was taken west of the intersection of Cedar Hill X Road and Shelbourne Street. The near building on the left was Maude Hunter’s store. The house farthest back on the right is where the hospital is located. Note the three plank wide wooden sidewalk, the open ditch, the narrow road and the electric power poles are on the left side of the road and the telephone poles are on the right side of the road. | |
This is the old community hall that later became the CCF Hall. This photo was taken right before the demolition of the hall. For 30 years this hall helped keep the kids (corner gangs) off the streets. It was kept open and the kids could go in there any time they wanted. The William Fraser Tolmie apartment complex and Rendle Green now occupy this site. | |
These are the Merrett and Croft houses which were located on Cedar Hill X-Road in the area where the Framing Shop is now. | |
This is the side of Merrett’s House and their barn and garage which are located on Stamboul, right where the paint shop and scrapbook store currently are. | |
This is the home of Reg Stofer, which is now the site of a multi-unit Town Home, just West of St. Aidan’s church. | |
This picture was take in 1976. Margaret “Oen” Alting was known as the “ice cream lady”. She loved to drive her truck and loved children. This tough yet kind lady survived three years in a Japanese prison camp and a massive stroke. Ice cream for 10 cents, wow! | |
This is Jack Merrett and Glory at the big gate to Terrell’s farm around 1918. It would be about 20 feet in front of the main entrance to the Hospital. This was our pet Jersey Cow, Glory. |